women program
This program allows IMSS to provide women the support that they needed to polish their skills and gain financial independence. IMSS has been doing its best to support immigrant women in settling down an adapting to Canada to integrate them with the community for more than 12 years.
These goals were achieved with the participation of the immigrant women in different activities regardless Canadian culture, Canada Services, Health Fitness, Healthy Eating, Parenting, computer, sewing, crocheting, arts, crafts, and, workshops empowering women. Also, the group participates in field trips connecting newcomers with the community or visits to museums, parks, etc. The objectives of those activities are to learn about the local community, develop a sense of attachment and belonging to Canada.
The group joins at the IMSS every Wednesday at noon. IMSS has developed some partnerships in the community to provide extra-support to women and their families; as well as, we count with volunteers from the community (long time Canadians, born Canadians, and new comers that want to share their skills with the new comers. Another benefit for Women with small children is that they received on-site day care support upon request during the session’s time.
Seniors Program
IMSS has been supporting seniors in Prince George as well. Seniors have been participating in conversation circles once in a month to provide them opportunities to socialize and learn from long time naturalized Canadians and born Canadians, so they can understand different cultures and ethnic backgrounds. The topics were Health fitness, healthy eating, Canada Services, Grandparents, visits to Senior’s centres in town, health issues including mental health, depression, financial issues, and as well as specialized resources for seniors.